Anatomy Of A Kick-Ass Social Media Marketing Campaign
Pop Quiz.
Which of these do you agree with?
- Building a social media-campaign requires a particular process.
- Building a social media campaign doesn’t necessarily require a process because a killer idea with suffice.
- Building a social media campaign needs a process but there aren’t any set rules to it.
- Building a social media campaign requires you to ideate and re-work the entire narrative to fit your brand’s messaging.
If you agreed with 1 or 4, you’re almost halfway there to building a kick-ass social media marketing campaign so honestly, we would suggest that you’d just fill in your notes yourself.
But if you even slightly agreed with the other two options, then I think you ought to read this blog attentively because believe it or not, building killer social media campaigns requires a lot of blood and sweat, hold your horses, only metaphorically.
Although, there goes in every ounce of effort into ideating, designing, creating, coordinating, revamping, re-writing, hashtag-hunting and finally taking the campaign live. And while we’re certain that not many have been able to master the magic of creating a killer social media campaign, we’re proud to say that we’re the flag bearers of delivering social media campaigns which have quite literally, kicked-ass!

Photo Credits- Unsplash
While building one, here are the few things we swear by.
Catering to a target audience which is specifically yours and forms your niche will drive a higher conversion rate, whatever your objective be. And how do you cater to your niche alone? The aspects of a post, that is, the headline, the ad copy, caption, tags, graphics will all prove to be testament to the target audience you are reaching out to.
For starters, sit down and figure out which demographic segment is your product best suited for and where can you find it.
Think of it this way-
A beer company is definitely going to get a lot more conversions if it places its beer bottles near the diapers section in a mall, selling itself to new fathers. It serves a crucial lesson in identifying your niche audience and reaching out to them through the right platform.
The purpose behind devising your campaign makes up for half of the kick-ass in a social media campaign. Set your objective and goals behind what you want the viewer to do when he lands on your post and communicate it in the clearest manner possible. We can understand that setting an objective or a goal can seem very daunting, especially since all your new year resolutions are probably down the drain by now. But you simply cannot afford to dismiss this step if you want to be able to deliver a kick-ass campaign.
A/B Testing
Your next campaign depends upon all the testing that you have conducted, paid or organic to understand what your audience likes the best. The results you derive from A/B testing your creatives and ad copies will give you a much better insight if you’re looking to build a kick-ass social media campaign. We can understand that it may feel like burning a few of your precious bucks but we can assure you that the results are definitely worth it.

The messaging and narrative that you build is what’s going to stay with your audience. Your campaign must be able to speak to the audience and make them want to engage in a dialogue.
The infamous MC-BC campaign for Zomato created quite a havoc but it definitely was a hit amongst its target audience. Playing risqué put a lot of things at stake for them but they aced it with the tonality of their brand’s messaging.
No one will tell you what your data tells you. If there’s one person on the planet who can keep a secret, it’s your data! Keep a tab on the metrics of your previous posts and figure out what was the reason behind the success of any campaign. If your hashtags were key to it, then ensure that you pick them up for the new campaign. If a post gave you greater profile visits after posting it at a particular time, schedule your next campaign accordingly.
Yield Conversions
And there you have it! The anatomy of a kick-ass social media campaign. Now all that you have to do, is sit back, sip on a margarita with a straw and keep the tab of your analytics dashboard open while you reel in the conversions.
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